Amsterdam Bus Museum

Amsterdam Bus Museum Open Day 2001
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Amsterdam Bus Museum Den Oudsten NZH 9452
Connexxion 9452 (BG-58-RV) had pride of place and a floral tribute at the museum. The Den Oudsten bodied bus had just been received as a gift from Connexxion and was to be restored to NZH livery. Indeed, transfers were already to hand and the old fleetname outline can be faintly seen on the side.
Amsterdam Bus Museum Leyland - Verheul Maarse & Kroon 1605
Leyland - Verheul Maarse & Kroon 1605 (BJ-95-33) is seen inside the museum.
Amsterdam Bus Museum Volvo 114
Volvo 114 (52-25-AB) enjoys the sunshine outside by the water's edge.
Amsterdam Bus Museum Open Day 2001
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