United Counties

Stagecoach United Counties
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Stagecoach United Counties Bristol VR
The influx of large numbers of minibuses into the Devon General fleet in the early eighties saw many quite new Devon General Bristol VRs redeployed across the country. This example, 735 (LFJ864W), is freshly painted in Stagecoach colours for United Counties. The bus was new to Western National as 1217. These are the early days of Stagecoach and before the first stylised fleetname echoing the map of Scotland was introduced. Hence the United Counties fleetname is a version of the one to be seen on the green VR alongside.
Stagecoach United Counties: Leyland Olympian 610
Leyland Olympian 610 (ARP610X) in the Stagecoach line up which greeted arrivals at Millennium Showbus. Yes, take a second look, it is an Olympian, though it had received the front end from the earlier Mark III Bristol VR.
Stagecoach United Counties: Leyland Olympian 610
Leyland Olympian 610 (ARP610X) at Duxford again two years later.
Stagecoach United Counties
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